Happy Client's


Don't Take Our Words! Hear What They Say About Us.

Defying Gravity

I am over 50 and Coach Harry has helped me defy gravity! He has created an individualized workout routine and I have noticed results fast. I can confidently wear halter tops and shorts again. I can tuck in shirts and wear fun belts because my waist is back. I can cheer on my favorite hockey team’s goals without flabby arms flapping everywhere. I can’t express how nice it is to fit in my clothes rather than spending money buying larger sizes. Spending time with Coach Harry is so much better than running like a hamster on a wheel at a gym. Thank you Coach!

Elizabeth Dale Santoro

Better Bowling

Through Coach Harry’s specific training to keep me bowling, I have been able to achieve and maintain and high average even though my back looks like the enclosed x-ray.

We have spent the last 16 weeks working on my core muscles as well as those pertaining to my bowling with a 14 pound ball. He has adapted exercises when I am unable to complete the original ones. Though my main goal is to stay as mobile and healthy as possible, to have the added benefit of being able to bowl better than I did in my 20s is simply amazing. Coach Harry works me hard and there are times when I want to quit, but he gently reminds me of my goals and gets me back on track. I really cannot thank him enough for how he has changed my life. I have also enclosed my score from a recent league night to show just how far I have come thanks to his workouts.
I am averaging 206. The best average of my life and that is with only bowling 3 games a week because of my back.

Rev. Heather Heineman

Seeing The Changes

I’ve been going to Coach Harry for about 4 months now, but I only started eating better 2 months ago. Wow, can I see a difference already. Before, I could never see a difference. Then, one day I was looking in the mirror with my bathing suit on and I could literally see with my own eyeballs that the top part of my stomach was/is getting flatter! I was jumping in excitement. Thank you for everything Coach Harry!

Shai'yen Ausflug

Helped Me Rehab

I had meniscus tear repair surgery in April of 2022. I experienced an unusually long and difficult recovery. I contacted Coach Harry during my recovery and kept him updated on my progress. After attending physical therapy 2 to 3 times a week for 7 weeks, I saw very little progress and was still having difficulty bending or straightening my leg. I shared my frustration with Coach Harry and asked him if he could help. He started me on a program to strengthen the muscles around the injured area and work through the range of motion. I was able to straighten my knee 98% after 3 weeks and squat to 90 degrees. In 6 – 8 weeks, I had recovered full range of motion in my knee with Coach Harry’s help!

Destiny Dejesus